Proud Mary Coffee Journey

Feeling mellow, just want a warm hug and a cozy blanket or maybe a comfy spot to sit down and rest? Then Mild is the range of coffees for you.
Feeling a little bit adventurous, up for something more? Keen to explore? Maybe ready to let the hair down and try something new but not go too “cray”. Be curious with us.
Feeling game and up for ‘all the things’? Like it loud? Wanna see what coffee can do and not just in a little-bit-curious way? If fruit bombs and truly tropical or insanely complex is your thing, you are ready for the Wild range.
All bets are off. You’re in the ‘treat yo-self’ or the ‘f-it, I deserve this’ kinda mood. Real deal outliers, these are the most rare and exotic coffees in the world. Period. Representing true flavor and the essence of our passion for coffee, nothing gets us more excited than the mind-blowers. These coffees will change your life.